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About Me

Bridge Over River


Voema (noun): informal South African word for vigour, potency or energy

I help people like you, to find and unlock their own inner "voema" and guide them across that bridge from dreaming to daring, doing and living a life you Love.

Connect now to learn more.

Feeling stuck? Lost? Feeling you are swimming upstream? Feeling drained or wondering if there is more to life? Want to find and connect to your inner power? Not sure how to unlock that? Want to find your Voema?

Each of us experiences hard times, but only a few know how to turn them into a starting point for a new life filled with happiness. It is my passion and mission to support people to find their hidden potential so they can start glowing from the inside out!


I offer Life, Work and Parenting Coaching to help you overcome your challenges, achieve your life goals and nurture your spirit. I cater to each of my client’s personal needs to unlock their full potential. Contact me to start your journey today.

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For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but power, love and self-control.
2Timothy 1:7

Hi, I'm Meike Lovemore


Life, Work & Parenting Coach & Guide

I have been successfully coaching clients globally and facilitating their self-growth and empowerment since 2005. I work with clients in their personal capacity and I have worked with executives and teams in various organisations.  

Originally from The Netherlands, I now live with my husband on a farm in South Africa, in one of the most sought-after holiday areas. We are parents to 3 amazing kids, who have shown my love and passion for well-balanced and emotionally thriving children. I gained a lot of parenting wisdom and "collected" lots of Parenthood hacks, which I love sharing with my clients in my Parenting Coaching Sessions.

The University of Life did sign me up for quite some big Life Experience Subjects (as I like to call them). Travelling the world alone, Long-distance Love, Emigration, Post Natal Depression, Three children within four years, Bankruptcy, Breast Cancer, Losing loved ones, Making the Impossible Possible...and more.

I love sharing the life hacks I have learned along the way with my clients to unlock their own Voema. I use my Intuitive Energy Sensing as a Guide in the sessions and together with a dash of Humour and a focus on Practicality, I have a good recipe for successful results.

Let's meet up so I can support you in unlocking your potential and connecting you to your inner power.


If you are curious to know a bit more about me, please read on...


Thank you Meike for a lovely session. 

I found you put things into perspective.  You said out loud what have been afraid to acknowledge. 

I just love thee way you are able to read energy.  You are so intuitive.

Rehana Cajee

After my coaching session with Meike Lovemore and using the tools she gave me, I was able to turn the frustrations & blocks into flow & ease. I learned to make small shifts that make such a MASSIVE difference to my everyday life!

Jacqueline Robertson

Effective Coaching Sessions

Enjoying Nature

“Live your life with arms wide open.

Today is where your book begins.

The rest is still unwritten.”

Natasha Bedingfield

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