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Are you in the Drivers Seat?

Updated: May 25, 2022

What is your intention for today? How’s your morning been so far? Would you see you are happy and satisfied with it or would you like to improve it for the rest of the day?

We all get to choose who is driving your "Bus of Life". Take a look who’s been in the driver’s seat: were you focused on your intentions and to do’s or did you get distracted?

Without any judgement but with the wonder of a curious child. Perhaps your inner Information Junky took over? Or Penelope the People Pleaser was dominant and said yes to things you don’t have time or energy for?

If you would like to receive support on how to manage yourself in time, say Yes Please in the comments below and you will receive a free document about the top 7 most efficient ways to gain control over your day.

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