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What is on your TO BE list today?

There is only so much time in a day and so much that needs to be ticked off. Top it up with phone calls, emails, questions and other unplanned distractions and you quickly find yourself in a state of stress. It sometimes looks like we are human doings....

The question today to yourself is asking you to start your day with deciding how you want to feel today? What is on your TO BE list?

Be calm - Be joyful - Be at peace - Be grateful - Be sensual - Be focused - Be inspired - Be generous - Be connected

Whatever you choose for today, write it down on a sticky note so it will remind you about how you want to feel today. Every time you might get distracted or feel overwhelmed, you simply do a "check in" with yourself and ask what can I do, right now in the moment to feel as I choose to feel today? Often just this quick check-in is enough for a slight change of perspective and all what you needed in that moment.

Give it a try and let your day being lead by a feeling that ignites and excites you! Let me know how did it go.

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