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Rave Reviews



After my coaching session with Meike Lovemore and using the tools she gave me, I was able to turn the frustrations & blocks into flow & ease. I learned to make small shifts that make such a MASSIVE difference to my everyday life!


I was quite nervous for my one on one coaching session. Opening up & sharing vulnerable parts of my life is not easy! 

Meike was so lovely and so easy to talk to! And I’ve learnt so much! Now I am aware of things & can start changing these habits! 

Thank you so much for your time Meike! I’m so excited to implement everything!

Jacqueline Robertson

Happy Moves

Thank you Meike for the awesome session…wow!


You helped me realize that just small changes in language with oneself will do wonders!!!


Again, thank you, I feel excited!!!

Penny Ellis

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Thank you Meike for our coaching call today!

I'm really glad I did the coaching session when I did.  It was the perfect time to do it.

Meike helped me get unstuck, and helped me realise that the uncertainty I was feeling was exactly where I needed to be, and even to lean into that fear and uncertainty.

I stopped taking the whole process so seriously, and went with the flow.

My take-away: Go on an adventure. Dare to Do!

Nicholas Carter

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